How To Install PostgreSQL And phpPgAdmin Support In XAMPP

>> Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm working on akaikiwi and I want to test some stuff on Postgre, as the databases I'm aiming to support are SQLite, MySQL and Postgre, the latter is the only one XAMPP doesn't support natively.

I found a great post on How To Install PostgreSQL And phpPgAdmin Support In XAMPP that worked nicely, except in the last part, I had to add

Alias /phppgadmin "D:/xampplite/phpPgAdmin/"

 AllowOverride AuthConfig
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all

Inside alias_module instead of mime_module, but other than that, it works like a charm :)


Sending mails from localhost with XAMPP Lite

>> Monday, February 21, 2011

One of the most common tasks of web development is sending emails, whether from a registration process, password recovery or if they suscribed to an update, you will need to send emails. The problem is that XAMPP doesn't have a default configuration for sending mails, and developing without this ability is pretty dull, you need to test your mails!
But don't worry, you won't have to install anything, and you wont need a hosting, you just need a Gmail or Hotmail account.

  1. Edit your php.ini file located inside the php folder of your XAMPP installation path.
  2. Search for the line ';sendmail_path = "\"YOUR_XAMPP_PATH\sendmail\sendmail.exe\" -t"'
  3. If it has a ';' in the beggining, remove it
  4. Edit sendmail.ini file inside the sendmail folder
  5. Add the following lines
  6. account Gmail
    tls on
    tls_certcheck off
    from [your-email]
    auth on
    user [your-email]
    password [your-password]
  7. Finally edit the account default line, it should look like this
    account default : Gmail
  8. That's it! Now restart apache and you can now send mails.
If you want to use Hotmail instead of Gmail just change the host to '', the email adresses, and if you want, the account name (Hotmail instead of Gmail).


Rounded Corners with Yahoo Javascript Library, YUI 3

>> Saturday, February 19, 2011

YUI 3 is an awesome Javascript library by Yahoo!, I'm really loving it, it has a very nice organization and it's nice to use.
Something that seemed a bit weird to me though, it's that it doesn't have a Rounded Corners plugin, so I decided to create one, and here it is!
Using it it's pretty simple, here it's and example:



Creating Anonymous PHP Objects

So I'm working on akaikiwi and found out a very nice thing, which doesn't really help me right now, but I really feel like sharing it, as I'm sure it'll be useful for somebody.

$obj = (object) array('foo' => 'bar', 'property' => 'value');
echo $obj->foo; // prints 'bar'
echo $obj->property; // prints 'value'

That's it! That will cast the associative array to stdObject. Useful to save some code.
In PHP 5.3 you could actually also use closures to make some nasty stuff, it's a pity PHP 5.3 is still not widely used.



More on YUI and akaikiwi

>> Tuesday, February 15, 2011

So far, I've been working on a personal site, forum-like, and I've been playing with YUI more, I'm very satisfied, it feels way nicer and more like Javascript than other frameworks. I like the organization of widgets, plugins and extensions. It's really nice so far.
About akaikiwi, I'm adding little fixes here and there, thanks to my project, I always try to follow YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It) so basically add functionality when I need it, instead of when I think I will, this makes the libraries simple and tight.
The site should be finished by febrary but I think it might take until the end of march to get it up and running online.
About akaikiwi, I don't know when the first release is comming, but I think it will be released after this site is finished and tested.



>> Friday, February 11, 2011

So I've been using linux way more lately, because of my new netbook, so I've been playing with Gedit too, it's surprisingly nice, very nice alternative to Textmate and free, it can do pretty much anything Textmate can, and it works on Windows and Linux.
I really recommend it, the completation function is very nice, also de snippets.
I've been using it a lot since I've been working on akaikiwi and aoi pantsu, it's doing great so far.

Editing some Yui 3 Javascript


Drop Down Chooser

>> Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is a little widget I made for Yui3 as I'm still learning, it seems very nice so far, it's kind of huge, but not hard, it just takes time.
It's just a basic dropdown chooser, but it can help a lot to make your life way easier, which is basically what widgets are for :)
The basic idea is that you create a new instance of the DDChooser widget, then set the launcherNode, which is the node which will launch the chooser, the chooser will position automatically and hide/show automatically too.
Here's an example:

You can download it from the NekoCM Bitbucket repository, you can also just see full code, or just the the min version (compressed with yui compressor).


Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Edition

>> Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm not a Linux pro, I've used Windows way more than Linux, but with this new netbook I got I decided I want to use Linux.
I tried some distributions and ended up with this one, which is pretty nice, community is good, and also is documentation, everything works nicely, the webcam, mouse, wireless...
Right now I'm getting used to Linux, I thought it would be harder though, anyways I still want to know more, like, what is folder /opt for, and why that folder distribution, what are them for, and more, I'll read a book :)
I'm working on akaikiwi and at the same time rebuilding an old forum-like software I had with this new framework, I'll correct akaikiwi if there's a bug, and probably also add new functionality.
I'ts gonna be a very nice script I might distribute, right now though, I'm still doing the layout, I'm using Yui3 CSS Grids, and I'll probaly use the Yui3 javascript library also, I'll write more about that once I use it more, also more on akaikiwi :)
I really think I should do some benchmarks and compare with other frameworks, would be very interesting, I'm pretty sure akaikiwi is really fast.


More on akaikiwi

>> Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm mostly working on fixing bugs right now, not much on adding functionality, as I'm not at home right now.
I'm working on my new netbook with linux mint, so I'm testing how everything works on linux. Once I finish seeking and repairing bugs I'll work on some more new features.
Akaikiwi is going very nice so far :)


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